Days Without Animal Products...and Counting

Saturday, April 16, 2016
Nobody starts a challenge on a Sunday, in the middle of the month, on a non-significant calendar day.  We need fresh starts with fresh start markers -- Monday, I start my diet.  On the 15th I'm beginning my goal.  Once it is my birthday, I have plans to change my behavior.  Phew, thank goodness I have until New Year's before I need to seriously consider lifestyle changes.

Earlier this year I did a 31 day whole-food plant-based challenge.  And I loved it.  I can't remember feeling better from the food that I ate.  I honestly felt good and happy.  I was so surprised with the changes.  And then life kept happening and it got easy to slip back to the old ways I normally eat.

I feel like I need challenges, personal challenges.  And I need accountability.



Let the count-up begin! 


Monday, December 21, 2015
This summer at our faculty retreat, one of my colleagues shared what was new with her from the summer. Her share was that she had switched to a whole foods, plant based diet. During our first break in the meetings I stopped her to ask her about it. I told her all the things I had read and tried, and wanted to know how to do it and still maintain a budget. I mean, a Whole 30 challenge was pretty expensive! She teaches courses on families and finance so I thought she would be great to ask. She pointed out that without buying meat, it's actually pretty affordable.

And you should see her. She was healthy before but she really does glow! She sent me all of her information and I was so eager to read and learn. The hard part has been finding recipes and sticking to it.

Today wasn't a great food day for me. I ended the day not loving some of my food choices. I want accountability and I need to go with baby steps.

Soooo. Let's blog about it.

One recipe every week. I can handle one new recipe every week until my kitchen is converted. It doesn't help that I am a bit of a hot mess in the kitchen. So there will be a lot of learning. A lot.

Ready? Break!
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